Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mozzarella, Tomato, and Broccoli Slaw Pasta

When I first started using broccoli slaw, I paired the crunchy stir fry like quality of the slaw with primarily Asian inspired dishes. Since I had success with these kinds of dishes in the past, I was reluctant to try the slaw with Italian inspired dishes; but I thought there is no harm in trying! So, I grabbed some balsamic and red wine vinegar along with my italian spices and got started; and about 10 minutes later voila!, an italian inspired dish with broccoli slaw pasta. This dish offered a variety of texture and flavors with the creaminess of the fresh mozzarella, the tanginess of the balsamic vinegar, and the slight crunch of the al dente broccoli slaw with a burst of acidity from the tomatoes. This food adventure was not only easy like most of my other dishes but opened up my eyes to the array of uses for broccoli slaw.

The recipe (yields approximately 1 serving)

1/2 package broccoli slaw
1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/4 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp italian seasoning
1/2 tsp basil
1 serving fresh mozzarella, cubed
6-10 grape tomatoes
crushed red pepper flakes to tasted

1. Heat minced garlic in greased pan over medium low heat until fragrant.
2. Add broccoli slaw to pan with the balsamic and red wine vinegar and mix well. Cover and allow to sit for 3-5 minutes or until broccoli slaw cooked to taste (I prefer mine with some crunch because I am a girl who craves texture)
3. Add tomatoes, garlic powder, italian seasoning, and basil and cover for an additional 1-2 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and add cubed fresh mozzarella and crushed red pepper to taste.

**if you use fresh herbs, you may want to adjust the quantities.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vegetarian Friendly Taco Bake

Recently, my fiance and I had family staying with us for my future brother-in-law's wedding. Often during their stay, we would naturally have impromptu visits from other family members. Now, whenever my fiance and I have planned get togethers, I always have an initial panic attack about what food to serve; and as you can only imagine these impromptu visits sent me into slight overdrive. Luckily, I find myself buying extra staple items at the grocery store that can usually be thrown together to make a casserole. As I ransacked my fridge, freezer, and pantry I found all the necessary ingredients to make one yummy (and health friendly) vegetarian taco bake that allowed me to breathe easy for at least another night.

Vegetarian Taco Bake

1 package frozen vegetarian ground meat (I typically like to choose soy free veggie options)
Corn tortillas
1 can low sodium diced tomatoes
1 package cheddar cheese
2 cups spinach
1 can mushrooms or about 1 cup fresh cooked mushrooms
1tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9 x 13 in casserole dish.
2. Heat a non stick skillet over medium heat and add frozen veggie meat. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Cook thoroughly and add mushrooms until cooked.
3. Meanwhile spread thin layer of diced tomatoes in casserole dish and top with enough corn tortillas to cover the bottom of the dish (you may need to break some in half to fit)
4. Top tortillas with 1/2 veg taco meat with mushrooms, 1 cup spinach and 1/2 container cheddar cheese. Repeat the once more ending with cheese on the top.
5. Cover the casserole dish with foil and put into the oven for approximately 30 minutes; remove foil and cook another 10 minutes until cheese is browning and bubbly.
6. Remove from oven and let cool before slicing. Enjoy!

I have made this recipe before and like that it is so easily adapted to whatever you have in your pantry or fridge. I have found myself using salsa or red enchilada sauce in place on the diced tomatoes, adding fresh or canned corn, and adding black beans; so play around with the recipe!