Sunday, September 29, 2013

Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, and Apple Soup

Usually when I start making soups in the fall, I revert to the classic vegetable or potato soup. Don't get me wrong, I love both for chilly fall nights; but this year I wanted to find a soup recipe that enhanced all the classic flavors of fall. After scouring the internet for a delicious but easy soup, I stumbled upon a Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Apple soup on Sparkrecipes. This dish was rich, creamy and flavorful without the added calories that a lot of creamy soups carry. The only changes I made was the addition of fresh sage rather than dried, addition of ground cinnamon, 3/4 can of evaporated milk opposed to 1 full can, and omitted curry powder. I paired this soup with a camembert and spinach grilled cheese that made the perfect flavor combination when dipped. And the best part, my house smelled and felt like a crisp fall day!

The recipe:

    Butternut Squash, 6 cups, cubed (equivalent to one Butternet Squash)
    2 Gala Apples
    Yams, 2 cups, cubes
    Onions, raw, 1 medium (2-1/2" dia)
    Fresh sage to taste
    Pepper, black, .5 tbsp
    Garlic powder, 1 tbsp
    PAM spray or olive oil
    Vegetable broth (low sodium), 5 cups
    Fat Free Evaporated Milk, One can
    Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Original Cheese, 3 wedges
    Cayenne Pepper, 1 tbsp
    * 1 tsp cinnamon (I added this and liked the sweetness it added)
Kosher Salt to taste 

Preheat your oven to 400F
Spray a baking tray with Pam, and then arrange the Squash, Sweet Potato, Apples and Onion on the tray.
Coat the top of the vegetables again with the Pam spray or olive oil and evenly sprinkle black pepper and Garlic powder. 
Place on a high rack in the oven for 45-60 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned and soft to a fork.
Place the roasted vegetables in a blender with the vegetable broth and purée until evenly combine and smooth (I added fresh sage during this process)
Stir in the laughing cow wedges until they melt
Add Cayenne pepper and the kosher salt to your taste preference
Stir in 3/4 can of evaporated milk
Continue to warm over the low heat until ready to serve.
Makes 6 very generous servings 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Restaurant Club

I grew up in Columbus, OH and had only ventured to the Short North once I entered college. I had entered a new world of dining from greek inspired food to sushi (not to mention the wonderful shops in between). I quickly realized I was hugely unaware of the variety of restaurants and flavors Columbus had to offer. Since then, I have loved trying new places, but often find myself returning to the tried and true when it comes to a last minute decision between my husband and I on a Friday night.

Lucky for me, I work with a fantastic group of ladies that so happen to be fellow foodies! We recently decided to start a restaurant club of sorts; Hunger Games (original right?!), where we will each select Columbus dining spots we are dying to try and randomly choose one at least 1x a month. To help all of you other Columbus fellow foodies, I will be blogging not only our experiences during Hunger Games, but also my other restaurant adventures on the Good Eats page.