Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PB2 granola

Can't a girl eat some peanut buttery granola goodness without ingesting a gallon of sugar and high calories!? I love granola as a snack and especially in my yogurts and have found that so many of the store bought brands contain crazy amounts of added sugars; not too mention is pretty high in calories for a measly couple of tablespoons.

I have recently been having a love affair of sorts with PB2 which is essentially powdered peanut butter turned creamy with 1tbsp water per 2tbsp PB2 (they also have a chocolate version). This item is great and carries only 45 calories per 2 tbsp so I use it often for cooking items that require peanut butter or just throwing together a good old fashioned PB&J. So what better way than to make homemade granola with PB2.

PB2 granola

3 cups old fashioned oats
1/3 heaping c of PB2 pre-mixed so it is creamy
1/3 c honey
1/2 tbsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4-1/2 cup dried fruit and nuts (look for no added sugar)

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spray non-insulated cookie sheet with cooking spray
2. Melt the peanut butter and honey in a microwave safe bowl (about 15-30 seconds) so peanut butter mixes with the honey once stirred.
3. Add vanilla and cinnamon and stir.
4. Add oats and dried fruit until coated.
5. Pour mixture onto cookie sheet and bake until oats are golden brown and not burnt (approximately 15 minutes; however some ovens may have a longer cooking time)
6. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Transfer to sealed container and keep in pantry.

** the great thing is you can trade the vanilla for almond or maple extract for different flavors

Strawberry and Blackberry Chia Pudding

So I have fallen in love with using chia seeds in recipes to boost not only the texture of dishes but it also adds some added fiber. While on Pinterest, (which I probably do way to much of!) I found a recipe for Berry Chia Pudding Vegan Yack Attack  and had an urge to make it immediately. I didn't have blueberries so I used a container of black berries instead which yielded the same results. The great thing about this dish is that it is so versatile that I have not only eaten it plain but put this on pancakes and toast and have mixed it with plain greek yogurt and topped the mixture with my homemade granola (my favorite one so far because it tastes like a berry cheesecake of sorts). Good way to satisfy your sweet tooth and fit in some yummy fruits!

Berry Chia Pudding Recipe:

1 container strawberries trimmed and chopped
3/4 cup blueberries
1/4 c water
2 medjool dates, pitted (I have used other pitted dates and they have not mixed well in the blender)
2 1/2 tbsp chia seeds

1. In a high speed blender, puree berries water and dates until completely smooth
2. Place berry puree in a jar or small bowl and stir chia seeds until well combined
3. Let the mixture set in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
4. Serve chilled.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sneak Peek Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

When I think of warm weather and spring, I think of fresh and colorful meals on the patio. In April, I plan to focus on fresh, bright, and delicious salads by creating at least one new salad a week and posting the results.

But, since April is a couple weeks away, why not give a sneak peek salad. I don't know about you, but I am a fan of the veggie platters full of variety and a cool ranch dip to satisfy those taste buds. So why not at all of our favorites into one salad?

Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

2 heads broccoli chopped
1 head cauliflower chopped
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1 green pepper
3/4-1 cup light ranch dressing
1 package part skim mozzarella or cheddar cheese (I used mozzarella)

1. Chop your veggies and toss into a bowl with 3/4-1 cup ranch dressing. Mix together and add pepper and/or red pepper flakes. Enjoy!

It's a simple as that and it makes enough to last for a week worth of lunches. This recipe allows you to add your favorite veggies or eliminate those you don't find so flavorful, so be creative!