Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sneak Peek Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

When I think of warm weather and spring, I think of fresh and colorful meals on the patio. In April, I plan to focus on fresh, bright, and delicious salads by creating at least one new salad a week and posting the results.

But, since April is a couple weeks away, why not give a sneak peek salad. I don't know about you, but I am a fan of the veggie platters full of variety and a cool ranch dip to satisfy those taste buds. So why not at all of our favorites into one salad?

Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

2 heads broccoli chopped
1 head cauliflower chopped
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1 green pepper
3/4-1 cup light ranch dressing
1 package part skim mozzarella or cheddar cheese (I used mozzarella)

1. Chop your veggies and toss into a bowl with 3/4-1 cup ranch dressing. Mix together and add pepper and/or red pepper flakes. Enjoy!

It's a simple as that and it makes enough to last for a week worth of lunches. This recipe allows you to add your favorite veggies or eliminate those you don't find so flavorful, so be creative!

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