Thursday, August 29, 2013

Raw Pumpkin Truffles

I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but I don't enjoy all the added sugars and ingredients that come with the indulgence. I recently attended a raw dessert cooking class by the owner of Pattycake Bakery and fell in love with the simplicity of the ingredients and the intense flavor of the desserts. Since then, I have enjoyed playing around with different flavors and raw ingredients for some pretty yummy treats that satisfy any sweet tooth; and they provide a good source of protein from the use of nuts, added bonus!

Fall is around the corner, and my favorite flavor in fall is by no surprise, pumpkin! I'm talking pumpkin soup, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin yogurt, pumpkin ice cream; you name it, if it contains pumpkin you will probably see me eating it. The following recipe has combined my love for pumpkin into a raw dessert bursting with natural sweetness from dried dates and pumpkin puree that will have any pumpkin lover licking their lips.

Raw Pumpkin Truffle Recipe
24 dried pitted dates, halved
heaping 1/2 c of raw organic cashews
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp pumpkin puree
3/4 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tbsp cinnamon

1. Combine dates and cashews into a food processor until they are chopped into small pieces.
2. Add the coconut oil, pumpkin puree, and spices and blend again until combined. (You should be able to manipulate the "dough" into small compact balls; if too crumbly you can add water and blend)
3. Scoop about a tbsp of the "dough" and roll into a small ball; refrigerate and hold for up to a month. Voila!

** For those of you who don't like cloves and crave less spice and more pumpkin flavor; you can eliminate pumpkin pie spice and the 1tbsp of coconut oil and add an extra 1tbsp pumpkin puree, a pinch of nutmeg, and a pinch of ginger**

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta

I have a confession; I am a dipaholic. It's true, I can eat a whole days worth of food in dips and not even think twice. Now, I am not prejudice about my dips, but one of all my all time favorites (and I think most people can agree with this love) is spinach and artichoke dip. Ah my mouth is drooling as I type, thinking about the creamy texture and zing of the artichokes all on one perfect chip, cracker, and carrot stick (I'm not prejudice about my dippers either).

However, I have come to the conclusion that most people crave more of an entree and cannot eat just dips for every meal. Alas! I have meshed both worlds with a Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta. This pasta has the same creamy texture and bold flavor of the artichokes while adding whole wheat pasta for more of a balanced meal. Like many of my other dishes, this is a really simple meal and can be made with a lot of staple items in your refrigerator. I hope you enjoy!

Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta (Serves 6)

About 3/4 to one box of whole wheat penne pasta
2 cups spinach
1/4 c skim milk
6 oz neufchâtel cheese
1/4 c greek yogurt
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
2-3 tbsp Parmesan cheese
shake of red pepper (or more if you prefer)
1 large can of artichoke hearts in water

1. Cook pasta according to directions
2. In a food processor add your spinach, milk, neufchâtel cheese, greek yogurt, and spices; puree until all ingredients mixed and the result is a sauce like consistency
3. Once cooked, drain pasta and add back to saucepan. Add your sauce, artichokes, and parmesan cheese and heat until warm on stove top.
4. Serve and Enjoy!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Chocolate Protein Bars Done Easy

Within the past couple of months, I have become a big fan of protein bars. I'll admit it, I was pretty skeptical when I saw people pack them in their lunch bag or munching at them post gym workout; there is no way those things can taste good and keep you full, I thought! The more I saw the different brands that people were gobbling down, the more I allowed my curiosity to take over and surprise! I like protein bars!

As much as I now like protein bars, I have been having a difficult time finding some without an enormous amount of sugar that don't cost $10.00 for 4. I have searched the web and have tried many recipes and the following I found to be tasty and were really simple to make. You can find a similar recipe at Men's Fitness; which is a bonus when you are trying to sell your fiancé on them ;). I will admit I used a smaller dish than the 9X13 the recipe called for and I ended up having to bake them because they wouldn't set well in the fridge; note to self for next time.

Chocolate Protein Bar Recipe

1 cup of Oatmeal
1 cup of Skim Milk
1 3/4 c Peanut Butter or any other nut butter
4 scoops of chocolate protein powder (your choice; I chose one lower in sugar)
1 tbsp Splenda Baking Sugar
1 tsp cinnamon to taste

1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl until well combined
2. Spread into 9X13 glass dish and place into the refrigerator for 8 hours
3. Cut into bars and wrap individually in plastic wrap for a quick after work out snack or part of a meal

Like I mentioned, I ended up having to bake mine because I used a smaller dish. I baked them at 350 for approximately 15 minutes and allowed to cool before cutting and wrapping. The bars were slightly crumblier than I wanted, so I definitely plan on using a larger dish and allowing them to sit in the refrigerator without baking.