Monday, August 5, 2013

Chocolate Protein Bars Done Easy

Within the past couple of months, I have become a big fan of protein bars. I'll admit it, I was pretty skeptical when I saw people pack them in their lunch bag or munching at them post gym workout; there is no way those things can taste good and keep you full, I thought! The more I saw the different brands that people were gobbling down, the more I allowed my curiosity to take over and surprise! I like protein bars!

As much as I now like protein bars, I have been having a difficult time finding some without an enormous amount of sugar that don't cost $10.00 for 4. I have searched the web and have tried many recipes and the following I found to be tasty and were really simple to make. You can find a similar recipe at Men's Fitness; which is a bonus when you are trying to sell your fiancĂ© on them ;). I will admit I used a smaller dish than the 9X13 the recipe called for and I ended up having to bake them because they wouldn't set well in the fridge; note to self for next time.

Chocolate Protein Bar Recipe

1 cup of Oatmeal
1 cup of Skim Milk
1 3/4 c Peanut Butter or any other nut butter
4 scoops of chocolate protein powder (your choice; I chose one lower in sugar)
1 tbsp Splenda Baking Sugar
1 tsp cinnamon to taste

1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl until well combined
2. Spread into 9X13 glass dish and place into the refrigerator for 8 hours
3. Cut into bars and wrap individually in plastic wrap for a quick after work out snack or part of a meal

Like I mentioned, I ended up having to bake mine because I used a smaller dish. I baked them at 350 for approximately 15 minutes and allowed to cool before cutting and wrapping. The bars were slightly crumblier than I wanted, so I definitely plan on using a larger dish and allowing them to sit in the refrigerator without baking.

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