Monday, November 11, 2013

Easy Cheese Tortellini and Spinach Soup

So it is officially an issue that finding and making soups recipes has taken over my life. There is something about the cool weather and this time of year that makes soup sound so warm and comforting. While my husband will try anything I put in front of him, I have found he tends to be a picky soup eater and usually turns his nose up at the hint of sweetness in his soups (those I get to save for my daily lunches). And while he shies away from leafy spinach, he still gobbles up the following easy soup. I just used cheese tortellini and spinach in this recipe, but you could easily substitute meat ravioli or add other vegetables such as mushrooms to satisfy your taste buds; plus it takes no time so no need to pause Real Housewives for this one ;).

Cheese Tortellini and Spinach Soup

- 1 package frozen cheese tortellini
- 2 cups spinach; throughly washed and dried.
- 2 cups low sodium vegetable broth combined with 1 cup water (adjust to your preference of broth)
- salt and pepper to taste
- dash of cinnamon
- couple of shakes of garlic powder

1. Combine vegetable broth and water in a large pot; add the tortellini and bring to a boil.
2. Cook tortellini until done (3-5 minutes)
3. Add spinach and cook until wilted.
4. Done!

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