Friday, November 29, 2013

Green and Lean Smoothie

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to spend time with family and friends and over indulge on delicious foods such as noodles, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. However, if you are anything like me, the next day my body is begging for normalcy and some fresh produce (I mean green bean casserole should count right!?) One of my favorite things after a night of indulgence is to start my morning off with a smoothie because it is a quick and easy way to get at least 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies; not to mention they are pretty refreshing. I typically add spinach or kale to all my smoothies with addition of fruits for sweetness. Like the other smoothie, this can be kept in the fridge for about a week (although I usually finish it in 3-4 days).

Green and Lean Smoothie

- 4 kiwi; skins removed and cut into chunks
- 3 green applies cut into chunks
- 2 Bartlett pears cut into chunks
- 2-3 cups spinach
- 4-5 cups water

1. Add spinach and 3 cups water in food processor or blender until evenly combined and without chunks
2. Add additional fruit and continue to blend until evenly combined and no chunks.
3. Pour into pitcher and add additional 1-2 cups water to desired consistency.

** you will need to whisk the mixture before serving as the water and ingredients tend to separate in the refrigerator.

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