Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strawberry, Spinach, and Camembert Cheese Pizza

Not long ago, I had my mother and future mother-in-law over for Mother's day brunch. As I was getting ready for brunch, I was racking my brain for ideas that didn't include an egg casserole or french toast when I cam across strawberry brushetta that catapulted my idea for a strawberry and camembert cheese toast with a balsamic drizzle. The toast was a huge hit with the Mom's, so I pondered the idea of expanding this combination onto a pizza. I was a little nervous about heating the strawberries in the oven, but it actually turned out to be a very light and refreshing dinner. I again only made half the pizza with my combination for my fiance's sake ;)

Recipe (double toppings for whole pizza):
1 container refrigerated whole wheat crust (I used the Pillsbury whole wheat crust again because I really like the texture and flavor)
1/4 c sliced strawberries
1 heaping handful spinach, washed and dried
1tsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp dried basil leaves
1 tsp honey
1 pinch stevia
1/4 c toasted almonds (optional)
1/4 container camembert cheese

1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Roll out pizza crust onto greased cookie sheet and poke with fork to ensure even cooking (I did not do this last time and trust me it helped this time!) Follow cooking instructions on packaging.
3. Mix balsamic vinegar, honey, and stevia and using pastry brush, brush onto cooked crust and add onion powder.
4. Top with sliced strawberries, sliced camembert chest, and spinach.
5. Drizzle additional balsamic and honey mixture on top.
6. Place into oven and cook until cheese is melted; approximately 7-10 minutes.
7. Top with toasted almonds (optional) and dried basil leaves.

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