Thursday, May 30, 2013

Skinny Shrimp Nachos

When I say I love nachos, I mean I LOVE nachos! I can remember as a teenager nachos being a regular meal for me (that is before I actually paid attention to the foods I put into my body). But still to this day, nachos are my weakness, the ooey gooey cheese melted over refried beans, tomatoes, jalepenos....I am slightly drooling thinking about them. However, what I do not love is that at restaurants this ooey gooey meal comes with some ooey gooeyness around the waist. To satisfy my nacho craving I created a sort of slim downed version including corn tortilla chips, black bean corn salsa, shrimp, cheese, and jalepenos. My fiance recommended I even adding it as a keeper to our menu repertoire; score for me!

Recipe for 2

6 corn tortillas
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 c home made or store bought black bean corn salsa
1/2 bag frozen shrimp; peeled and deveined; defrosted
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 - 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 c shredded cheese of your choice; preferably 2%
canned or fresh jalepenos
1 tbsp plain greek yogurt

1. Pre-heat oven to 400.
2. Cut corn tortillas using pizza cutter into desired chip sizes and place on greased cookie sheet.
3. Place into oven for approximately 20 minutes or until chips are crispy.
4. Meanwhile, place olive oil in medium skillet on medium heat.
5. Mix seasoning and lemon juice in bowl and toss with defrosted shrimp.
6. Place shrimp in skillet and cook until pink about 2-3 minutes each side.
7. Pile shrimp onto cooked tortilla chips.
8. Top with jalepenos, black bean corn salsa, and chopped onions.
9. Smother toppings with cheese and place under broiler until cheese melted and bubbly.
10. Serve with 1 tbsp plain greek yogurt.

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