Thursday, January 23, 2014

Last Minute Vegetable Chili-ish

This freakishly cold Mid-West weather has me craving comfort food at it's finest; specifically hearty chill with cheese and sour cream. Usually when I have a craving, I won't stop until its fulfilled; but there was no way I was venturing out into the cold after just walking in to my warm(ish) home when the chili craving hit. So instead, I raided my pantry, freezer, and fridge for items I could throw together to make a hearty vegetable chili. My freezer provided me with frozen corn kernels, frozen peas, previously cooked and frozen black beans, and Boca veggie crumbles. I had some canned diced tomatoes in the pantry, some vegetable broth in the fridge along with cheddar cheese and plain greek yogurt. Now I could get this chili party started. I added some beans, corn, and peas to a pot with vegetable broth and water and cooked until no longer frozen. In a separate pan I cooked the veggie crumbles until done. I then added the cooked veggie crumbles and a can of my diced tomatoes and seasonings to the pan with vegetables and let simmer until warm. And Voila! a vegetable chili was born.


1/2 cup previously cooked and frozen black beans
1/4 cup frozen corn kernels
1/4 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup Boca veggie crumbles
1 can diced tomatoes without salt
1/4-1/2 cup vegetable broth depending on the consistency you like your chili/soup
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder garlic powder
1/4 tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste

1. In a pan cook the Boca veggie crumbles according to directions on bag.
2. In a separate pot combine the beans, corn, and peas with the vegetable broth and cook until no longer frozen.
3. Add the diced tomatoes, seasonings, and cooked Boca crumbles and simmer until warm.
4. Top with shredded cheddar cheese and a tbsp of greek yogurt (a good substitute for sour cream) for an extra umph!

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