Saturday, February 22, 2014

Macadamia Nut Granola

As a child, white chocolate macadamia nut cookies were one of my favorite desserts. Since I correlated macadamia nuts with sweetness, I bought a container of these nuts to use in some of my raw recipes. I had not realized this nut was quite bitter and found that it dominated the other flavors in my raw recipes. I don't like wasting food and so I came up with a better way to use these nuts; a granola. I found that the addition of honey, vanilla, and maple syrup toned down the bitterness of the nut and made for a deliciously sweet granola.


1 1/2 cups raw macadamia nuts
1/4 cup pure honey
2 tbsp avocado oil
2 cups oats
1/2 tbsp pure vanilla extract
2 tbsp pure maple syrup or sugar free maple syrup

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease rim lined baking sheet.
2.  Combine honey and oil in microwave safe bowl and heat in microwave for 30-45 seconds.
3. Remove from microwave and add vanilla and maple syrup.
4. Stir in nuts and oats until evenly combined.
5. Place mixture on baking sheet and cook in oven 15-20 minutes; turning half way through.
6. Remove from oven and allow mixture to cool completely.

Broccoli Slaw Fried "Rice"

Weekend movie nights pair so well with Chinese take out; my favorite: fried rice. I have tried many renditions of this traditional Chinese dish; however this Broccoli Slaw Fried "Rice" is up there with my favorites. The recipe still has the delicious flavors and crunchiness of cashews but delivers at least 2 servings of vegetables and is half the fat. Use Tamari soy sauce in this recipe for a gluten free dish.


1/2 package broccoli slaw
4-5 sliced baby portobello mushrooms
2 egg whites
1 tbsp yogurt butter
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp soy sauce (gluten free)
1/4 tbsp sesame oil
2 green onion stalks finely chopped
handful raw cashew pieces
salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper to taste

1. Place 1/2 package of broccoli slaw in food processor and pulse until finely chopped (rice like texture)
2. Scramble egg whites over medium heat; season with salt and pepper and set aside.
3. Heat butter and garlic in pan over medium heat until fragrant. Add mushrooms and sauté until soft.
4. Add broccoli slaw to pan with soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper. Cook for about 3-5 minutes.
5. Add egg and cook for additional 1 minute.
6. Transfer to bowel and top with scallions and cashews.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Maple Hazelnut Granola

Yogurt is definitely a staple in my diet, so much so that I eat it almost every day for lunch. So, as you can imagine, I look for different ways to liven up this traditional breakfast/lunch item. Granola is always an easy choice to add texture and flavor to yogurt. Granola recipes are so simple to make at home and what is even better is that you can take any base granola recipe and change it up by adding dried fruits and variety of nuts. I have been on a hazelnut kick lately; which inspired this maple hazelnut granola recipe.


- 2 cups rolled old fashioned oats
- 1/2 chopped hazelnuts
- 2 1/2 tbsp avocado oil
- 2 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
- 1 tsp cinnamon

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On a large rimmed baking sheet toss the oats and hazelnuts.
2. Combine oil, maple syrup, and cinnamon in bowl and pour overt oat/nut mixture.
3. Bake for 15-20 minutes, tossing occasionally to prevent burning.
4. Allow to cool before transferring to sealed container.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

PB2 Protein Bars

PB2 must be the greatest idea since sliced bread; it tastes yummy and you get the added benefits of protein packed peanut butter without all the greasiness of peanut oil and added sugar. Plus, it is very versatile and can be substituted in most recipes that call for peanut butter without thinking twice. The easiest substitution has been to swap natural peanut butter for PB2 in my homemade protein (original recipe from Men's fitness Magazine) bars I make for husband for an easy and lightened up version for myself. These bars are so nutty, chewy, and naturally sweet that I have to force myself not to eat them all at once.

Recipe: (makes 10-12 bars)

3 cups oats
2 cups pre-mixed PB2
2 cups chocolate protein powder
2 cups pure honey or maple syrup

1. Combine honey or maple syrup and PB2. Microwave on high for 90 seconds and mix thoroughly.
2. Add oats and protein powder and mix until combined. Mixture will be very thick.
3. Press mixture into 9x13 dish, cover with foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Raw Inspired Chocolate Almond Brownies

I have a serious sweet tooth that stalks me throughout the day and whispers in my ear when co-workers bring in chocolatey desserts. But, alas! I have created this raw inspired fudge-y dessert that would satisfy even the most nagging sweet tooth without sending your body into sugar overload; plus its packed with protein from the raw almonds. So move aside ho-ho's; there's a new and healthier dessert in town!


- 1 cup raw almonds
- 12 fresh mejdool dates (cut in half and pitted) **if using sun maid pitted dates you would need 24**
- 1/2 tsp pure almond extract
- 2 tbsp unsweetened raw cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp coconut oil (unrefined)
- 1 tbsp water

1. Combine almonds and dates in food processor until finely chopped and uniform.
2. Add almond extract, cocoa powder, coconut oil, and water and pulse until combined. The mixture should hold together without being too dry. Add additional water if needed
3. Press mixture into small dish and baked for about 10 minutes at 350.
4. Remove from oven and let stand in fridge for at least 2 hours before cutting into squares.
5. Store in air tight container

Fitness Bonus

During high school I played sports until senior year and then drifted off from being active which followed me into my freshman year in college. After gaining the dreaded freshman 20, I jumped back on the fitness wagon and have continued ever since. At first I began exercising to loose weight and now I continue it for the benefits of feeling strong, fit, and healthy. I am someone who gets bored easily so I am constantly trying to change my fitness regimen week to week to keep motivated. However, there are still those days where I really don't feel like listening to someone in a workout DVD yelling at me to do 30 more seconds of whatever grueling exercise or head to a crowded gym. The following cardio routine is something I put together for those days where DVD's and the gym are less than appealing; and an added bonus is I can catch up on my favorite DVR'd show while exercising.  Do each of the following moves for 1 minute before and repeat the sequence 1-2x with a 60 second break in between sets.

Cardio Fitness Routine:

1 minute each:
- Box jumps (with feet together jump side, front, side, and back)
- High knees
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Straight punches in a half squat
- Squat kick- 30 seconds left and 30 seconds right (bend your knees into a squat and kick out the side as you come up)
- Jumping Jacks
- Knee touch - 30 seconds left and 30 seconds right
- Plank Jacks (Jump feet out the side and back in while in straight arm plank)
- Alternation front kicks
- Skiers (with feet together jump and twist side to side)
- Jump rope
- Bicycle crunch
- Superman (lay on your belly with arms and legs in straight line; lift arms and legs off floor at same time)

Repeat sequence 1-2x with 60 second break in between

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Comfort Spaghetti

We all have our share of comfort foods; some people prefer chicken and noodle soup or a hearty bowl of macaroni and cheese….I prefer spaghetti and eggs. Before you knock it, just think of spaghetti carbonara or fried rice which both include scrambled eggs! Now for the background on my favorite comfort food since you are still reading: Spaghetti and eggs was a staple of mine growing up and was frequently cooked by my German grandfather whom I would often stay with when my parents were working outside the home. My grandfather's recipe was very simple and included boiled spaghetti, scrambled eggs, salt and pepper. Today I still crave this dish when I am missing both him and home; however I have added a few different flavor profiles to it throughout the years by adding fresh spinach, bright cherry tomatoes, parmesan cheese, and red pepper flakes. This dish is so simple and I hope it gives you the same warm fuzzy feelings I get every time I make a heaping bowl.

Recipe (Makes about 2 servings)

4 oz whole (or gluten free) spaghetti
4-5 eggs whites based on preference ( I always go with 5)
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp diced red or white onion
1/2 cup torn spinach leaves
1/4 cup halved cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
sprinkle red pepper flakes
parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste

1. Boil spaghetti according to package directions.
2. Meanwhile while spaghetti is cooking slice onion and tomato, and tear spinach.
3. Add minced garlic and olive oil to large skillet and heat over medium heat until fragrant.
4. Add onion until soft.
5. Add cooked spaghetti, tomatoes, spinach, and egg whites. Add salt and pepper and cook until egg is scrambled and spinach is wilted.
6. Top with parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, and additional salt and pepper to taste.