Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fitness Bonus

During high school I played sports until senior year and then drifted off from being active which followed me into my freshman year in college. After gaining the dreaded freshman 20, I jumped back on the fitness wagon and have continued ever since. At first I began exercising to loose weight and now I continue it for the benefits of feeling strong, fit, and healthy. I am someone who gets bored easily so I am constantly trying to change my fitness regimen week to week to keep motivated. However, there are still those days where I really don't feel like listening to someone in a workout DVD yelling at me to do 30 more seconds of whatever grueling exercise or head to a crowded gym. The following cardio routine is something I put together for those days where DVD's and the gym are less than appealing; and an added bonus is I can catch up on my favorite DVR'd show while exercising.  Do each of the following moves for 1 minute before and repeat the sequence 1-2x with a 60 second break in between sets.

Cardio Fitness Routine:

1 minute each:
- Box jumps (with feet together jump side, front, side, and back)
- High knees
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Straight punches in a half squat
- Squat kick- 30 seconds left and 30 seconds right (bend your knees into a squat and kick out the side as you come up)
- Jumping Jacks
- Knee touch - 30 seconds left and 30 seconds right
- Plank Jacks (Jump feet out the side and back in while in straight arm plank)
- Alternation front kicks
- Skiers (with feet together jump and twist side to side)
- Jump rope
- Bicycle crunch
- Superman (lay on your belly with arms and legs in straight line; lift arms and legs off floor at same time)

Repeat sequence 1-2x with 60 second break in between

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