Wednesday, February 12, 2014

PB2 Protein Bars

PB2 must be the greatest idea since sliced bread; it tastes yummy and you get the added benefits of protein packed peanut butter without all the greasiness of peanut oil and added sugar. Plus, it is very versatile and can be substituted in most recipes that call for peanut butter without thinking twice. The easiest substitution has been to swap natural peanut butter for PB2 in my homemade protein (original recipe from Men's fitness Magazine) bars I make for husband for an easy and lightened up version for myself. These bars are so nutty, chewy, and naturally sweet that I have to force myself not to eat them all at once.

Recipe: (makes 10-12 bars)

3 cups oats
2 cups pre-mixed PB2
2 cups chocolate protein powder
2 cups pure honey or maple syrup

1. Combine honey or maple syrup and PB2. Microwave on high for 90 seconds and mix thoroughly.
2. Add oats and protein powder and mix until combined. Mixture will be very thick.
3. Press mixture into 9x13 dish, cover with foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

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