Thursday, December 26, 2013

Homemade Mushroom Soup for Casseroles

The holiday season is always my favorite time of year because it is a time for family, friends, and old traditions; driving around to look at Christmas lights, watching elf, and breakfast casserole with coffee and Bailey's in hand on Christmas morning. Growing up my parents used to host an "Open House" for Christmas that began in the afternoon and went late into the night with food always prepared for people to grab as they wish. Recently, my husband and I have taken over that tradition and hosting the Christmas open house at our place; however the morning is reserved for my husband and I. Last year I created a french toast casserole for Christmas morning, but found myself craving the traditional breakfast casserole my mother made most Christmas mornings. The traditional casserole is made with eggs, breakfast sausage, cheese, cream of mushroom soup, and milk. I have been trying to cut out canned cream of mushroom soup in casseroles; however have been struggling with finding a recipe that creates a similar consistency with sustained flavor. I was thrilled with the results of this mushroom soup and surprised at how easy it was to create; a much better alternative than the canned version and can be used in a variety of casseroles that call for cream of mushroom soup. The casserole came out just like I imagined and I was one happy girl bringing my childhood tradition to my home Christmas morning.

Mushroom Soup (makes about 2 cups)

2 tbsp butter or margarine (I used yogurt butter)
3/4 c chopped mushrooms
3 tbsp flour divided
1 c vegetable broth
1/4 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat butter in medium sized skilled over medium high heat.
2. Sauté mushrooms until soft and fragrant.
3. Whisk in 2 tbsp of flour and garlic powder until combined
4. Whisk in 1 cup vegetable broth until no lumps are present
5. Whisk additional tbsp of flour and remove from heat. Add salt and pepper

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hunger Games adventure to Ella restaurant + bar

I am excited that more and more areas in Columbus are having winter farmer's markets inside. I love the idea of buying more local foods to support our farmers and our community; plus they always have exceptional produce that large grocery store chains just can't beat. What is even better is that there are more restaurants opening up that prepare locally grown food; one restaurant in particular (and was our spot for the December 'Hunger Games') being Ella restaurant + bar located in New Albany, Ohio. The name of the restaurant, Ella, stands for and this meaning is evident in not only their food, but their decor as well. Ella is connected to an art gallery that showcases local artists and includes items such as paintings, handbags, jewelry, and all natural beeswax candles. The restaurant itself also is decorated with art for sale by local artists. During the winter season, Ella offers seasonal menus with the winter menu showcasing seasonal vegetables such as winter squash and includes dishes such as Autumn Risotto (roasted butternut squash with a fried over easy local egg, walnuts, and leeks) and Hazelnut crusted Trout (served with potato, fennel, and apple hash finished with a grain mustard sauce). After scouring the menu for ten minutes or so the table and I came to a decision on our orders; mine being Panko Crusted Butternut Squash with seared Blue Jacket Gretna cheese, brussel sprout and orzo sauté, pesto, and micro greens. The squash was cooked to perfection with a crisp and flaky outer layer and melt in the mouth center paired with rich and garlicky pesto topped with a slightly salty and buttery non-meltable gretna cheese. After sticking my fork into the other girls' dishes, I am confident that mine was the best at the table. Not only was the food incredible, but the service was great too and the atmosphere is one that I would recommend to others. Check our more of their menu at and enjoy!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sharp Cheddar, Apple, and Spinach Panini with Balsamic and Pecans

When my husband and I initially began registering for our wedding, we walked around the stores leisurely scanning pillows, rugs, and bedding….and then came the kitchen. I'm 99% positive that I was  so overcome by the excitement of registering for kitchen supplies that I blacked out and scanned everything in sight like a crazed woman. When my husband asked if we really needed that many different styles of mixing bowls, I looked at him puzzled and said, "Of course."

When the time came to open our wedding gifts, I nearly forgot half of the kitchen items I had registered; but nonetheless I was ecstatic unwrapping herb scissors, tomato keepers, and salad spinners (and I must say my mixing bowls were well worth it). One item that I have used countless times is a panini press/grill/griddle pan. Initially I was using the pan for cooking salmon and vegetables but was recently interested in trying out the panini feature. I did not have any fancy bread in my kitchen, but the whole wheat bread held up just fine with only minor breaks here and there (more room for the oozing cheese I say!).

One of my favorite grilled cheese combos is sweet apples with a tangy balsamic vinegar and I think when I first started making these I had 4 in a week. When I started to prepare this particular sandwich I knew I wanted to include greens and that I was having a craving for pecans and thought I'd just throw them on top. After the success of this sandwich, I later made my husband a chicken panini with which he was pretty impressed. I may just use this feature more often!


1 gala apple; sliced whole
1 small handful of spinach leaves
1/2 tsp balsamic vinegar
2-3 pieces of sliced white sharp cheddar
1 small handful pecans
2 pieces whole wheat bread
spray butter

1. Heat panini press over low-medium and spray pan with non-stick spray
2. Use spray butter or typical butter and spread onto bread
3. Place 1 piece of bread butter side down on panini press and build sandwich with the remaining ingredients. Top with additional piece of bread with butter side facing out.
4. Pull other side of panini press on top of sandwich and cook for about 3-5 minutes until golden brown and cheese is melted.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Seriously Good Salad

My husband and I have officially joined the Costco cult and I have never been happier. Oh sure, I was skeptical at first (I mean who needs that much cheese at once); but I have since been converted due to their abundance of frozen vegetables, giant Naked's, and plenty of produce for my weekly smoothies. In the most recent trip, I bought a rather large container of spinach for a smoothie recipe and while I used about 3 cups for my smoothie I hadn't even scratched the surface of that container. Salad for dinner it was!

There is no better way to make a salad than to throw a hodge podge of ingredients from your fridge topped with a homemade dressing. Opening my fridge that evening, I pulled out cubed butternut squash, apples, onion, feta, and avocado. The flavor combination of sweet apples, ripe avocados, and aged feta topped with a tangy dressing (borrowed from a great friend) really worked and will be a salad recipe I will continue to use in the future. The next night I made a similar salad and added seasoned tilapia with garlic, paprika, salt, and pepper that would pair well on this salad!


1 gala apple; chopped
1/2 avocado
1 cup cubed butternut squash
2 cups spinach
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
handful pecans
1 tbsp olive oil
garlic powder to taste
salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400. Arrange cubed butternut squash on foil lined pan and toss in olive oil and seasoning. Roast about 20 minutes or until soft.
2. Meanwhile combine salad ingredients in large bowl and add cooked and cooled squash. Top with pecans and dressing.

1/2 c minced onion or shallot (I used a sweet onion)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp pure honey
1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1 squeeze lemon or orange juice (I did both)

1. Add all ingredients in blender and blend until combined

Friday, November 29, 2013

Green and Lean Smoothie

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to spend time with family and friends and over indulge on delicious foods such as noodles, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. However, if you are anything like me, the next day my body is begging for normalcy and some fresh produce (I mean green bean casserole should count right!?) One of my favorite things after a night of indulgence is to start my morning off with a smoothie because it is a quick and easy way to get at least 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies; not to mention they are pretty refreshing. I typically add spinach or kale to all my smoothies with addition of fruits for sweetness. Like the other smoothie, this can be kept in the fridge for about a week (although I usually finish it in 3-4 days).

Green and Lean Smoothie

- 4 kiwi; skins removed and cut into chunks
- 3 green applies cut into chunks
- 2 Bartlett pears cut into chunks
- 2-3 cups spinach
- 4-5 cups water

1. Add spinach and 3 cups water in food processor or blender until evenly combined and without chunks
2. Add additional fruit and continue to blend until evenly combined and no chunks.
3. Pour into pitcher and add additional 1-2 cups water to desired consistency.

** you will need to whisk the mixture before serving as the water and ingredients tend to separate in the refrigerator.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nutrient packed smoothie

Sometimes I can be a little stubborn in my ways; so when the craze surrounding juicing and smoothies began, I quickly turned a cold shoulder. I continued to happily take my daily handful of vitamins and quickly scrolled over the smoothie and juice recipes on Pinterest. My interest slowly started to peak after I received a facial before my wedding. My aesthetician informed me that she too had taken up juicing and had never felt better mentally and physically. After hearing more about the benefits and easy way to amp the amount of fruits and veggies in my diet, my curiosity was definitely peaked. It also occurred to me that I could cut back on (pricey) vitamins and receive a lot of my nutrients naturally through this process; win/win!

On an impulse I strolled through the grocery store grabbing stalks of celery, bunches of kale, and bags of fruit. Unfortunately once I got home I realized the juicer I already owned was not equipped to extract the juice from veggies; so I went another route by using my food processor. I must say, the process took me a while to perfect as I would find myself munching like a cow on the sustained stems of kale (not very pleasing if you ask me). I call the below recipe a smoothie while others may consider it more as a juice; either way it is one of my favorites with a combination of sweet and tart flavors. This recipe will make about 8 8 oz servings and keep in the fridge for 4-5 days (stirring before each use).


3 organic gala apples cut into small chunks
6 oz raw cranberries
1 1/2 container strawberries with stems removed and halved
3 cups spinach
3-4 cups water (depending on your thickness preference)

1. Combine water and spinach in food processor and mix until evenly combined and resembles mostly homogenous liquid consistency (I found it best to over mix or you could have chunks in your smoothie)
2. Add cut apples; repeat step 1
3. Add cranberries and strawberries; repeat step 1
4. Once the ingredients are evenly combined you can adjust water as desired. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Easy Cheese Tortellini and Spinach Soup

So it is officially an issue that finding and making soups recipes has taken over my life. There is something about the cool weather and this time of year that makes soup sound so warm and comforting. While my husband will try anything I put in front of him, I have found he tends to be a picky soup eater and usually turns his nose up at the hint of sweetness in his soups (those I get to save for my daily lunches). And while he shies away from leafy spinach, he still gobbles up the following easy soup. I just used cheese tortellini and spinach in this recipe, but you could easily substitute meat ravioli or add other vegetables such as mushrooms to satisfy your taste buds; plus it takes no time so no need to pause Real Housewives for this one ;).

Cheese Tortellini and Spinach Soup

- 1 package frozen cheese tortellini
- 2 cups spinach; throughly washed and dried.
- 2 cups low sodium vegetable broth combined with 1 cup water (adjust to your preference of broth)
- salt and pepper to taste
- dash of cinnamon
- couple of shakes of garlic powder

1. Combine vegetable broth and water in a large pot; add the tortellini and bring to a boil.
2. Cook tortellini until done (3-5 minutes)
3. Add spinach and cook until wilted.
4. Done!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shrimp, Gruyere, and Feta Mac and Cheese

My recipe board on Pinterest is quite overwhelming upon first glance; enough so that I had to create new boards with subcategories for my recipes including pumpkin favorites, juicing, and bars and snacks...its pretty excessive I know. As I pin more and more recipes, they pile up waiting to be made and enjoyed over good company and conversation. So the other day, I vowed not to pin any more recipes, but to go through my board and pick a previously pinned recipe to conjure up one evening. The choices were of course endless, but I managed to hone in on a Shrimp, Feta, and herb Mac and Cheese from Annie's Eats..I think it had to do with a craving for comfort food to accompany the brisk, cool air. My husband even agreed to grated the cheese, which is a big feat for him! I ended up using store bought and seasoned shrimp (gasp!) which I think hindered the flavor of the mac and cheese in the end; so my suggestion is to just use the frozen shrimp and cook according to the recipe. I also forgot to buy lemons at the grocery so added a few squirts of lemon juice for added flavor. The dish oozed with creamy feta and sharp gruyere topped with herb infused panko bread crumbs; enough for left overs, YES! I should make recipes from my Pinterest board more often.....

Shrimp, Gruyere, and Feta Mac and Cheese

1 lb pasta shapes ( I used vegetable enriched rotini noodles)
1 lb raw shrimp, 31-40 count (again I used pre-seasoned and cooked shrimp which I would not recommend)
10 oz feta cheese (I used reduced fat)
1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
2 tbsp fresh parsley (I used 1 tbsp dried parsley)
5 tbsp butter, divided (yogurt butter would work just as well if trying to cut fat)
4 tbsp all purpose flour
3 cups milk
2 tbsp fresh dill (I omitted this from the recipe)
8 oz Gruyere cheese, shredded
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
zest of lemon (I used a few shots of lemon juice instead)

1. Bring a large pot to a boil and cook pasta according to directions. Drain well and set aside; add raw shrimp to warm pasta
2. Pre-heat oven to 400 and grease 2 1/2 ct baking dish. In a small bowl combine lemon zest or juice, 2 tsp parsley, breadcrumbs, handful of feta and 1 tbsp of melted butter. Combine and set aside
3. In a medium sauce pan melt the remaining butter over medium heat until melted and whisk in flour until forms a paste and golden brown (about 1 minute while continuously whisking). Add milk and continue stirring intermittently until it forms a paste (about 5 minutes) or until bubbly and thick. Once thick, remove from heat and add remaining feta cheese, gruyere cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper. Add the sauce to the pasta and shrimp and stir well to combine.
4. Once combined pour into baking dish and top with breadcrumb mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until top is golden brown and bubbling. Allow to cool and serve!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pumpkin and Spinach Risotto

The crisp fall air and turning of leaves gets me excited for none other than the pumpkin patch. This year my husband, friends, and I traveled to Lynd's Fruit Farm to join in the pumpkin festivities and walk through their market of home grown vegetables, home made jams, and freshly made peanut butter. In true me fashion, I could not decide on just one perfectly plump pumpkin and we ended up coming home with 7, making our grand total on our porch of 9 pumpkins.

To sustain the pumpkin theme for the day, I was inspired to create a pumpkin risotto and as I opened my fridge I made the last minute decision to throw in some spinach which added a nice punch of flavor and color to the plate. The sweet and savory flavors were boosted with the inclusion of garlic, shallots, and paprika along with pure maple syrup and nutmeg; making it a perfect fall dish for those cool nights.

The Recipe

1 heaping cup arborio rice
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp yogurt butter
1 shallot
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/4 tsp paprika
3/4 tsp pure maple syrup
3 cups vegetable broth
3/4 c pumpkin puree
1 1/3 cup white cooking wine
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
dash of salt and pepper

1. Take 3/4 c pumpkin puree and mix in paprika, nutmeg, salt, and pepper; set aside.
2. Heat olive oil and butter over medium heat and add shallots until translucent. Add minced garlic until fragrant.
3. Stir in rice until coated and cook for about 5 minutes or until rice begins to brown. Add in cooking wine and stir until absorbed.
4. After wine is absorbed, add vegetable broth 1/3 cup at a time and stir until. Continue process until all the vegetable broth is used and rice is cooked through; typically takes 20-25 minutes.
5. Once rice is finished, add pumpkin mixture, spinach, parmesan cheese, and pure maple syrup; mix thoroughly.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, and Apple Soup

Usually when I start making soups in the fall, I revert to the classic vegetable or potato soup. Don't get me wrong, I love both for chilly fall nights; but this year I wanted to find a soup recipe that enhanced all the classic flavors of fall. After scouring the internet for a delicious but easy soup, I stumbled upon a Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato and Apple soup on Sparkrecipes. This dish was rich, creamy and flavorful without the added calories that a lot of creamy soups carry. The only changes I made was the addition of fresh sage rather than dried, addition of ground cinnamon, 3/4 can of evaporated milk opposed to 1 full can, and omitted curry powder. I paired this soup with a camembert and spinach grilled cheese that made the perfect flavor combination when dipped. And the best part, my house smelled and felt like a crisp fall day!

The recipe:

    Butternut Squash, 6 cups, cubed (equivalent to one Butternet Squash)
    2 Gala Apples
    Yams, 2 cups, cubes
    Onions, raw, 1 medium (2-1/2" dia)
    Fresh sage to taste
    Pepper, black, .5 tbsp
    Garlic powder, 1 tbsp
    PAM spray or olive oil
    Vegetable broth (low sodium), 5 cups
    Fat Free Evaporated Milk, One can
    Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Original Cheese, 3 wedges
    Cayenne Pepper, 1 tbsp
    * 1 tsp cinnamon (I added this and liked the sweetness it added)
Kosher Salt to taste 

Preheat your oven to 400F
Spray a baking tray with Pam, and then arrange the Squash, Sweet Potato, Apples and Onion on the tray.
Coat the top of the vegetables again with the Pam spray or olive oil and evenly sprinkle black pepper and Garlic powder. 
Place on a high rack in the oven for 45-60 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned and soft to a fork.
Place the roasted vegetables in a blender with the vegetable broth and purée until evenly combine and smooth (I added fresh sage during this process)
Stir in the laughing cow wedges until they melt
Add Cayenne pepper and the kosher salt to your taste preference
Stir in 3/4 can of evaporated milk
Continue to warm over the low heat until ready to serve.
Makes 6 very generous servings 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Restaurant Club

I grew up in Columbus, OH and had only ventured to the Short North once I entered college. I had entered a new world of dining from greek inspired food to sushi (not to mention the wonderful shops in between). I quickly realized I was hugely unaware of the variety of restaurants and flavors Columbus had to offer. Since then, I have loved trying new places, but often find myself returning to the tried and true when it comes to a last minute decision between my husband and I on a Friday night.

Lucky for me, I work with a fantastic group of ladies that so happen to be fellow foodies! We recently decided to start a restaurant club of sorts; Hunger Games (original right?!), where we will each select Columbus dining spots we are dying to try and randomly choose one at least 1x a month. To help all of you other Columbus fellow foodies, I will be blogging not only our experiences during Hunger Games, but also my other restaurant adventures on the Good Eats page.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Raw Pumpkin Truffles

I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but I don't enjoy all the added sugars and ingredients that come with the indulgence. I recently attended a raw dessert cooking class by the owner of Pattycake Bakery and fell in love with the simplicity of the ingredients and the intense flavor of the desserts. Since then, I have enjoyed playing around with different flavors and raw ingredients for some pretty yummy treats that satisfy any sweet tooth; and they provide a good source of protein from the use of nuts, added bonus!

Fall is around the corner, and my favorite flavor in fall is by no surprise, pumpkin! I'm talking pumpkin soup, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin yogurt, pumpkin ice cream; you name it, if it contains pumpkin you will probably see me eating it. The following recipe has combined my love for pumpkin into a raw dessert bursting with natural sweetness from dried dates and pumpkin puree that will have any pumpkin lover licking their lips.

Raw Pumpkin Truffle Recipe
24 dried pitted dates, halved
heaping 1/2 c of raw organic cashews
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp pumpkin puree
3/4 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tbsp cinnamon

1. Combine dates and cashews into a food processor until they are chopped into small pieces.
2. Add the coconut oil, pumpkin puree, and spices and blend again until combined. (You should be able to manipulate the "dough" into small compact balls; if too crumbly you can add water and blend)
3. Scoop about a tbsp of the "dough" and roll into a small ball; refrigerate and hold for up to a month. Voila!

** For those of you who don't like cloves and crave less spice and more pumpkin flavor; you can eliminate pumpkin pie spice and the 1tbsp of coconut oil and add an extra 1tbsp pumpkin puree, a pinch of nutmeg, and a pinch of ginger**

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta

I have a confession; I am a dipaholic. It's true, I can eat a whole days worth of food in dips and not even think twice. Now, I am not prejudice about my dips, but one of all my all time favorites (and I think most people can agree with this love) is spinach and artichoke dip. Ah my mouth is drooling as I type, thinking about the creamy texture and zing of the artichokes all on one perfect chip, cracker, and carrot stick (I'm not prejudice about my dippers either).

However, I have come to the conclusion that most people crave more of an entree and cannot eat just dips for every meal. Alas! I have meshed both worlds with a Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta. This pasta has the same creamy texture and bold flavor of the artichokes while adding whole wheat pasta for more of a balanced meal. Like many of my other dishes, this is a really simple meal and can be made with a lot of staple items in your refrigerator. I hope you enjoy!

Lightened Up Spinach and Artichoke Pasta (Serves 6)

About 3/4 to one box of whole wheat penne pasta
2 cups spinach
1/4 c skim milk
6 oz neufchâtel cheese
1/4 c greek yogurt
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
2-3 tbsp Parmesan cheese
shake of red pepper (or more if you prefer)
1 large can of artichoke hearts in water

1. Cook pasta according to directions
2. In a food processor add your spinach, milk, neufchâtel cheese, greek yogurt, and spices; puree until all ingredients mixed and the result is a sauce like consistency
3. Once cooked, drain pasta and add back to saucepan. Add your sauce, artichokes, and parmesan cheese and heat until warm on stove top.
4. Serve and Enjoy!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Chocolate Protein Bars Done Easy

Within the past couple of months, I have become a big fan of protein bars. I'll admit it, I was pretty skeptical when I saw people pack them in their lunch bag or munching at them post gym workout; there is no way those things can taste good and keep you full, I thought! The more I saw the different brands that people were gobbling down, the more I allowed my curiosity to take over and surprise! I like protein bars!

As much as I now like protein bars, I have been having a difficult time finding some without an enormous amount of sugar that don't cost $10.00 for 4. I have searched the web and have tried many recipes and the following I found to be tasty and were really simple to make. You can find a similar recipe at Men's Fitness; which is a bonus when you are trying to sell your fiancé on them ;). I will admit I used a smaller dish than the 9X13 the recipe called for and I ended up having to bake them because they wouldn't set well in the fridge; note to self for next time.

Chocolate Protein Bar Recipe

1 cup of Oatmeal
1 cup of Skim Milk
1 3/4 c Peanut Butter or any other nut butter
4 scoops of chocolate protein powder (your choice; I chose one lower in sugar)
1 tbsp Splenda Baking Sugar
1 tsp cinnamon to taste

1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl until well combined
2. Spread into 9X13 glass dish and place into the refrigerator for 8 hours
3. Cut into bars and wrap individually in plastic wrap for a quick after work out snack or part of a meal

Like I mentioned, I ended up having to bake mine because I used a smaller dish. I baked them at 350 for approximately 15 minutes and allowed to cool before cutting and wrapping. The bars were slightly crumblier than I wanted, so I definitely plan on using a larger dish and allowing them to sit in the refrigerator without baking.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mozzarella, Tomato, and Broccoli Slaw Pasta

When I first started using broccoli slaw, I paired the crunchy stir fry like quality of the slaw with primarily Asian inspired dishes. Since I had success with these kinds of dishes in the past, I was reluctant to try the slaw with Italian inspired dishes; but I thought there is no harm in trying! So, I grabbed some balsamic and red wine vinegar along with my italian spices and got started; and about 10 minutes later voila!, an italian inspired dish with broccoli slaw pasta. This dish offered a variety of texture and flavors with the creaminess of the fresh mozzarella, the tanginess of the balsamic vinegar, and the slight crunch of the al dente broccoli slaw with a burst of acidity from the tomatoes. This food adventure was not only easy like most of my other dishes but opened up my eyes to the array of uses for broccoli slaw.

The recipe (yields approximately 1 serving)

1/2 package broccoli slaw
1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tbsp red wine vinegar
1/4 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp italian seasoning
1/2 tsp basil
1 serving fresh mozzarella, cubed
6-10 grape tomatoes
crushed red pepper flakes to tasted

1. Heat minced garlic in greased pan over medium low heat until fragrant.
2. Add broccoli slaw to pan with the balsamic and red wine vinegar and mix well. Cover and allow to sit for 3-5 minutes or until broccoli slaw cooked to taste (I prefer mine with some crunch because I am a girl who craves texture)
3. Add tomatoes, garlic powder, italian seasoning, and basil and cover for an additional 1-2 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and add cubed fresh mozzarella and crushed red pepper to taste.

**if you use fresh herbs, you may want to adjust the quantities.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vegetarian Friendly Taco Bake

Recently, my fiance and I had family staying with us for my future brother-in-law's wedding. Often during their stay, we would naturally have impromptu visits from other family members. Now, whenever my fiance and I have planned get togethers, I always have an initial panic attack about what food to serve; and as you can only imagine these impromptu visits sent me into slight overdrive. Luckily, I find myself buying extra staple items at the grocery store that can usually be thrown together to make a casserole. As I ransacked my fridge, freezer, and pantry I found all the necessary ingredients to make one yummy (and health friendly) vegetarian taco bake that allowed me to breathe easy for at least another night.

Vegetarian Taco Bake

1 package frozen vegetarian ground meat (I typically like to choose soy free veggie options)
Corn tortillas
1 can low sodium diced tomatoes
1 package cheddar cheese
2 cups spinach
1 can mushrooms or about 1 cup fresh cooked mushrooms
1tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9 x 13 in casserole dish.
2. Heat a non stick skillet over medium heat and add frozen veggie meat. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper. Cook thoroughly and add mushrooms until cooked.
3. Meanwhile spread thin layer of diced tomatoes in casserole dish and top with enough corn tortillas to cover the bottom of the dish (you may need to break some in half to fit)
4. Top tortillas with 1/2 veg taco meat with mushrooms, 1 cup spinach and 1/2 container cheddar cheese. Repeat the once more ending with cheese on the top.
5. Cover the casserole dish with foil and put into the oven for approximately 30 minutes; remove foil and cook another 10 minutes until cheese is browning and bubbly.
6. Remove from oven and let cool before slicing. Enjoy!

I have made this recipe before and like that it is so easily adapted to whatever you have in your pantry or fridge. I have found myself using salsa or red enchilada sauce in place on the diced tomatoes, adding fresh or canned corn, and adding black beans; so play around with the recipe!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Baked Mozzarella Sticks

To keep on my theme of re-done bar bites, I knew I had to include mozzarella sticks; because honestly, isn't that on everyone's top 10 favorite appetizer list? If you enjoy cheese as much as me, you probably know that not many people can pass up on gooey cheese wrapped in a crunchy outer layer. However, just like all the other delicious bar food, these mouth watering sticks of cheese come at a hefty calorie content; and that is exactly why I chose to re-create a healthier version for all of us cheese lovers to enjoy, and hey we could even throw in a beer!

I made the following recipe for my fiance and I only, so the ingredients will need to be modified if you are feeding more foodies.

Bakes Mozzarella Sticks; serves 2

4 sticks of reduced fat mozzarella string cheese
1/4 c flour; you could substitute whole wheat flour
1/4 c Panko bread crumbs
1 egg white

1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with foil; cover foil with baking spray
2. Cut string cheese in half.
3. Dip cut cheese into egg whites then coat with flour
4. Place cheese coated in flour back into egg whites and then coat with Panko bread crumbs
5. Repeat steps until all cheese is rolled in both the flour and the Panko bread crumbs.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes being careful to watch for the mozzarella melting and oozing too rapidly. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bar Food ReVamped!

I had a little trouble coming up with a theme for this month's challenge so I asked my family what recipes they would be interested in seeing. My future mother-in-law happened to be at happy hour at the time of my text and she provided me with the idea of re-creating bar food or small appetizers. Bar food!? What a great idea! Who doesn't love happy hour appetizers; buffalo chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, spinach dip...are you drooling yet!? So this month I wanted to bring some of these favorites to you, with of course a healthy twist! The first appetizer I chose to revamp was spicy buffalo wings sans the meat. So welcome Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Nuggets! Now, I know you are thinking you have already seen this recipe, but think again! This recipe doesn't call for flour and takes it light on the hot sauce (or shall I say sodium ;)). After these were finished, I threw some nuggets on romaine lettuce with tomatoes, onions, and a lightened up ranch dressing (using greek yogurt) for a yummy salad.

Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower Nuggets

1/2 head cauliflower; steamed until fragrant and soft
1/2 c panko; or any other preferred breadcrumbs
1 egg white
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tbsp hot sauce (I used Frank's red hot sauce)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Steam cauliflower and add to bowl; mash with fork until grated consistency.
3. Combine mashed cauliflower with egg white, seasoning, and bread crumbs; mix well.
4. Using your hands, form small patties and place on parchment lined baking sheet.
5. Cook patties in oven 20-25 minutes; flipping patties after 10-12 minutes.

** So I only used 1 egg white and they were a little crumbly when I tried to flip them, so next time I would try 2 egg whites. Also adding cheese could add a different flavor component as well.**

I'm always interested in any changes you make to the recipes to fit your flavor profile, so feel free to share!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strawberry, Spinach, and Camembert Cheese Pizza

Not long ago, I had my mother and future mother-in-law over for Mother's day brunch. As I was getting ready for brunch, I was racking my brain for ideas that didn't include an egg casserole or french toast when I cam across strawberry brushetta that catapulted my idea for a strawberry and camembert cheese toast with a balsamic drizzle. The toast was a huge hit with the Mom's, so I pondered the idea of expanding this combination onto a pizza. I was a little nervous about heating the strawberries in the oven, but it actually turned out to be a very light and refreshing dinner. I again only made half the pizza with my combination for my fiance's sake ;)

Recipe (double toppings for whole pizza):
1 container refrigerated whole wheat crust (I used the Pillsbury whole wheat crust again because I really like the texture and flavor)
1/4 c sliced strawberries
1 heaping handful spinach, washed and dried
1tsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp dried basil leaves
1 tsp honey
1 pinch stevia
1/4 c toasted almonds (optional)
1/4 container camembert cheese

1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Roll out pizza crust onto greased cookie sheet and poke with fork to ensure even cooking (I did not do this last time and trust me it helped this time!) Follow cooking instructions on packaging.
3. Mix balsamic vinegar, honey, and stevia and using pastry brush, brush onto cooked crust and add onion powder.
4. Top with sliced strawberries, sliced camembert chest, and spinach.
5. Drizzle additional balsamic and honey mixture on top.
6. Place into oven and cook until cheese is melted; approximately 7-10 minutes.
7. Top with toasted almonds (optional) and dried basil leaves.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Skinny Shrimp Nachos

When I say I love nachos, I mean I LOVE nachos! I can remember as a teenager nachos being a regular meal for me (that is before I actually paid attention to the foods I put into my body). But still to this day, nachos are my weakness, the ooey gooey cheese melted over refried beans, tomatoes, jalepenos....I am slightly drooling thinking about them. However, what I do not love is that at restaurants this ooey gooey meal comes with some ooey gooeyness around the waist. To satisfy my nacho craving I created a sort of slim downed version including corn tortilla chips, black bean corn salsa, shrimp, cheese, and jalepenos. My fiance recommended I even adding it as a keeper to our menu repertoire; score for me!

Recipe for 2

6 corn tortillas
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 c home made or store bought black bean corn salsa
1/2 bag frozen shrimp; peeled and deveined; defrosted
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 - 1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 c shredded cheese of your choice; preferably 2%
canned or fresh jalepenos
1 tbsp plain greek yogurt

1. Pre-heat oven to 400.
2. Cut corn tortillas using pizza cutter into desired chip sizes and place on greased cookie sheet.
3. Place into oven for approximately 20 minutes or until chips are crispy.
4. Meanwhile, place olive oil in medium skillet on medium heat.
5. Mix seasoning and lemon juice in bowl and toss with defrosted shrimp.
6. Place shrimp in skillet and cook until pink about 2-3 minutes each side.
7. Pile shrimp onto cooked tortilla chips.
8. Top with jalepenos, black bean corn salsa, and chopped onions.
9. Smother toppings with cheese and place under broiler until cheese melted and bubbly.
10. Serve with 1 tbsp plain greek yogurt.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pear, Blue Cheese, and Spinach Pizza

So if you have ever been to Matt the Miller's and not tried their pear and gorgonzola flatbread, then shame on you! Unfortunately, it probably would not be in my best interest to eat there daily so I've re-created my rendition of the pizza at home for my own personal (and cheaper) enjoyment! This time, I used a whole wheat refrigerated crust by Pillsbury, which even my fiance drooled over!
Sadly I could only make 1/2 of my gooey goodness because my fiance likes to keep it simple with his standard pepperoni and cheese ;) This recipe is fast so I was able to make it after work with minimal clean up and time to enjoy the summer like weather!

Pear, Blue Cheese, and Spinach Pizza Recipe

1 refrigerated whole wheat pizza crust (I used the Pillsbury brand)
1/4 c shredded mozzarella cheese
2.5 tbsp crumbled bleu cheese
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3/4 of thinly sliced pear
1 handful spinach
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried italian seasoning
red pepper flakes to tasted
1/2 tbsp olive oil (or spray butter, which I used instead)

**again I only made this on 1/2 pizza, so you may need to double or add more for a whole pizza**

1. Pre-heat oven to directions on pizza crust
2. Cook pizza dough according to package (Pillsbury called for 8 minutes at 400 degrees before adding toppings and popping back in the oven)
3. Thinly slice
3. Add spray butter or olive oil to prepared crust and add garlic powder and italian seasoning. Add 1 tbsp balsamic and using pastry brush spread on crust.
4. Top with 1/4 c shredded mozzarella cheese.
5. Top cheese with sliced pears and spinach.
6. Add crumbled bleu cheese.
7. Bake until cheese is melted and bubbling.
8. Remove and add rep pepper flakes as desired.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Roasted Vegetable Pizza

I like to think of a pizza crust as a blank canvas with endless combination possibilities; which is probably why I am so excited to tackle pizzas this month. I used a pre-made pizza crust; but if you are really feeling savvy you could make your own! I am not always a huge fan of tomato sauce on my pizza (call me crazy I know), so a lot of my pizzas start with a spritz of spray butter with minced garlic, italian seasoning, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. I then took stock of the veggies in my fridge and pulled out broccoli, tomatoes, artichokes, mushrooms, and onions and topped it with some fresh mozzarella and crushed red pepper flakes. Talk about flavor; and not to mention it took virtually no time, I was able to sneak in some veggies, and I had three meals from it; success to me!

Roasted Vegetable Pizza

1 pre-made pizze crust
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1-2 tsp olive oil or spray butter
1 tsp italian seasoning
1 tbsp minced garlic
red pepper and pepper for taste
About 1 cup chopped broccoli florets
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup sliced white mushrooms
1/4 jar marinated artichokes
1/4 cup sliced cherry tomatoes
4-6 slices fresh mozzarella depending on the size of the slices

1. Pre-heat oven to 400
2. Place broccoli, onions, and mushrooms on foil lined baking sheet and spritz with olive oil or spray butter and toss with 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, red pepper, and black pepper; place in oven till browning and fragrant, about 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile place 1 tsp olive oil or a couple spritz of spray butter on crust and top with 1/2 tbsp minced garlic, italian seasoning, and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar.
4. Remove vegetables from oven and place on prepared crust along with cut tomatoes and artichokes.
5. Top with mozzarella cheese and put into oven for 7-10 minutes or until cheese melted and bubbling.

* Once I removed the pizza, I topped it with more red pepper flakes and a drizzle of extra balsamic vinegar.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Month of May Pizza Challenge: Cauliflower Pizza

For the month of May's food challenge, I chose pizza because a.) who doesn't like pizza and b.) there are endless options to making a fantastic pizza and most of them can be without layers of fat and grease.  I am constantly looking for healthy adaptations for high calorie foods because not only do I love to eat and be healthy, but I also love the satisfaction it gives me when I can pull one over on those sneaky high fat foods: like, AHA mac and cheese not so fattening now are you!? So with that rant out of the way, I can move on to my first pizza. So I am sure most of you have read the hype of turning cauliflower into cheesy breads, buffalo bites, and pizza crusts and I also decided to jump on that band wagon. Like a lot of my inspired recipes, I found the following cauliflower crust recipe on Pinterest. I have made a cauliflower pizza crust before, but it was really hard to work with and most of it fell apart in one quick bite. I was skeptical about this recipe too, but it really did have a better consistency and tasted great as well; win/win!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe
 2 cups grated cauliflower (about 1/2 a head)
1/2 c yogurt
1 egg
1 tsp Italian seasoning
dash of salt

(I added 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper, and 1 tbsp grated parmesan cheese)

1. Preheat oven to 400
2. In a food processor, prepare the cauliflower by pulsing until grainy or grated texture
3. Place in a bowl and add yogurt, egg, and spices.
4. Fold the mixture until everything combined
5. Place the dough on a baking sheet lines with parchment paper and spread until about 3/4 in thick.
6. Bake the crust for 30 minutes or until lightly browned and firm enough to hold its shape.
7. Top with your ingredients and bake for another 5 minutes or until cheese melted and Voila!

I'm not much of a sauce fan so I topped my pizza crust with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar, sautéed mushrooms and onions, diced tomatoes, jalepenos, and part skim mozzarella cheese.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Quinoa Veggie Salad

So I know I've been slacking but I do have a new salad recipe! Since I don't eat meat, I am always looking for ways to increase my protein intake, and quinoa has been a good addition to my life. Quinoa is a good staple to have in your pantry because it can be used as a substitute for rice in casseroles but it can also be mixed with chocolate, fruit, or added to protein bars. I made this salad a couple of weeks ago ( and forgot to take the picture! so one will be coming soon) as a way to clean out my fridge ( I have a slight obsession with not wasting food) and have something that I could pack for lunch the remainder of the week. The great thing about most of these past salad recipes are that they can all be easily modified to fit your tastes. I've recently added a greek vinaigrette to the salad for an added twist. I love making my own salad dressing because not only is it easy and full of flavor but you control the ingredients which is always an added bonus.

Quinoa Veggie Salad

1 cup cooked quinoa, cooled
1 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup red bell peppers
1/4 cup cucumbers
1/4 cup red onions
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 avocado chopped (add a squeeze of lemon juice to keep avocados from turning brown so quickly)
1 container crumbled fat free feta

1. Add all ingredients into large bowl and top with 1 tbsp lemon juice.

**You can keep the salad like this or go on to add the following greek vinaigrette for added flavor and good fats ;)

Greek Vinaigrette

1/2 cup red wine vinegar
3 shallots finely chopped (could also use 3 gloves garlic minced)
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
few shakes crushed red pepper
3 tbsp lemon juice
3/4 c olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Combine first 6 ingredients in bowl and slowly whisk in oil until blended. Refrigerate up to 1 week.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Arugula Salad with Shallot Vinaigrette

 I was excited to make this salad because it is so easy to eat by itself or pair with a salmon patty or goat cheese cake (not to mention I love any reason to eat bleu cheese in an appropriate manner and not straight out of a container). Yum-O! After making the salad I wanted to pair it with a vinaigrette and I happened to have left over shallots from goat cheese rice cakes I made for dinner. So shallot vinaigrette it was! I found a super easy recipe with a good flavor at Epicurious that I will definitely be making again for other salads.

Baby Arugula Salad

1 bunch or container of baby arugula washed and dried
1/2 cup dried raisins or cranberries
1/4 c walnuts
1 container crumbled bleu cheese
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1/2 chopped red onion

1. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and toss.

Shallot Vinaigrette

1/2 c chopped shallots
6 tbsp rice vinegar
1 1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil

1. Whisk shallots, rice vinegar, and dijon mustard until combined. Gradually whisk in olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Shrimp Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

When I was rummaging the fridge to make dinner for my fiance and I, I found the rest of my bag of broccoli slaw from my detox salad sitting there looking sad and I decided I'd find a way to incorporate it in my meal. I promised my fiance some shrimp, but I was sick of making the tired shrimp pasta with tomato sauce. I landed on the idea to do a shrimp stir fry of sorts using the broccoli slaw instead of rice. It turned out to be a great choice and the broccoli slaw softened but didn't become soggy. Enjoy!

Shrimp Broccoli Slaw Stir Fry

1 bag of medium shrimp peeled and deveined
1 bag of broccoli slaw
1 tbsp of minced garlic
1/4 red onion
~ 1 tbsp of olive oil (I kind of eye balled it)
dash red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
~ 1/4 c reduced sodium soy sauce (I adjusted the amount to my taste)
2 tbsp crushed peanuts (optional)

1. Heat the garlic and oil in large pan; add the onions and let cook until fragrant and soft
2. Add broccoli slaw and soy sauce and cook approximately 5 minutes
3. Add shrimp and cook until pink on both sides approximately 2 minutes each side.
4. Put in a bowl and top with red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, and peanuts.

Since it was a last minute idea, I plan on playing with this recipe more to add snap peas, broccoli, and mini corn on the cobs. Have fun with this recipe and let me know your ideas of what to add!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Detox Cabbage Salad

After a long weekend filled with a wedding shower and bachelorette party for my future sister-in-law, a detox salad was a must for this weeks salad recipe (now lets just hope my detoxing won't take so long)! I often devote Sundays to cooking breakfast and lunch meals for the week and have found that salads calling for cabbage or broccoli/broccoli slaw are great because you don't have to worry about sogginess. I also found this recipe on Pinterest and tweaked it to my taste buds and fridge. Enjoy!

Detox Cabbage Salad Recipe (original)
1/2 head savoy cabbage
1/2 red cabbage
1 fiji apple
1/4 red onion
1/2 c chopped walnuts
1/2 c golden raisins

For the dressing:
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/3 c greek yogurt
2 tsps agave nectar
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp salt

1. Using sharp knife thinly slice cabbage, apple, and red onion and transfer to large bowl
2. Add walnuts and raisins and toss to combine
3. In a small bowl whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing
4. Top the salad with the dressing and mix to coat evenly
5. Serve immediately or store in fridge until use

So, I went a slightly different route with this salad. I used a package of broccoli slaw, a package of shredded red cabbage, and a chopped granny smith apple. I also decided to omit the raisins to skip the added sugar but I'm sure they would be tasty. For the dressing I used honey over agave nectar and did not have fennel seeds. I added extra cayenne pepper, about 1/8 tsp garlic powder, and extra honey to soften the apple cider vinegar. I also thin this salad would do wonderfully with some bleu cheese crumbles (although that may be changing the whole detox point of the salad ;))

Monday, April 1, 2013

Salad Challenge Begins!

 I want to devote each month to a category and make a new item at least 1x a week to share with you; along with bonus recipes just to spice things up. So today begins this month's challenge: Salads! I found this following inspiration on no other than Pinterest and in true me fashion I tweaked and added items to my taste (and hopefully yours too!) This chilled lobster salad is bursting with color from bright tomatoes, corn, and avocados; not to mention it's a refreshing. Eat this salad by itself or add it to a bed of bright green arugula.

Chilled Lobster Salad with Corn, Avocados, and Tomatoes

Chilled Lobster Salad with Corn, Avocados, and Tomatoes

2 packages pre-packaged lobster
2 packages grape tomatoes
1 can sweet corn (no salt added)
2 ripe avocados cut into 1 inch chunks
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes to taste

1. If the lobster is not pre-cut, cut into 1 in squares and place into large mixing bowl
2. Peel and cut avocado and place into mixing bowl with lobster
3. Add tomatoes, corn, and lemon juice and mix with large wooden spoon (or I transferred bowl a few times so not to mash the avocados)
4. Add salt and pepper to taste

** I have also used this recipe with crab which is just a tasty. In addition, I have added garlic powder as well (because lets face it who doesn't love garlic).

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

PB2 granola

Can't a girl eat some peanut buttery granola goodness without ingesting a gallon of sugar and high calories!? I love granola as a snack and especially in my yogurts and have found that so many of the store bought brands contain crazy amounts of added sugars; not too mention is pretty high in calories for a measly couple of tablespoons.

I have recently been having a love affair of sorts with PB2 which is essentially powdered peanut butter turned creamy with 1tbsp water per 2tbsp PB2 (they also have a chocolate version). This item is great and carries only 45 calories per 2 tbsp so I use it often for cooking items that require peanut butter or just throwing together a good old fashioned PB&J. So what better way than to make homemade granola with PB2.

PB2 granola

3 cups old fashioned oats
1/3 heaping c of PB2 pre-mixed so it is creamy
1/3 c honey
1/2 tbsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4-1/2 cup dried fruit and nuts (look for no added sugar)

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spray non-insulated cookie sheet with cooking spray
2. Melt the peanut butter and honey in a microwave safe bowl (about 15-30 seconds) so peanut butter mixes with the honey once stirred.
3. Add vanilla and cinnamon and stir.
4. Add oats and dried fruit until coated.
5. Pour mixture onto cookie sheet and bake until oats are golden brown and not burnt (approximately 15 minutes; however some ovens may have a longer cooking time)
6. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Transfer to sealed container and keep in pantry.

** the great thing is you can trade the vanilla for almond or maple extract for different flavors

Strawberry and Blackberry Chia Pudding

So I have fallen in love with using chia seeds in recipes to boost not only the texture of dishes but it also adds some added fiber. While on Pinterest, (which I probably do way to much of!) I found a recipe for Berry Chia Pudding Vegan Yack Attack  and had an urge to make it immediately. I didn't have blueberries so I used a container of black berries instead which yielded the same results. The great thing about this dish is that it is so versatile that I have not only eaten it plain but put this on pancakes and toast and have mixed it with plain greek yogurt and topped the mixture with my homemade granola (my favorite one so far because it tastes like a berry cheesecake of sorts). Good way to satisfy your sweet tooth and fit in some yummy fruits!

Berry Chia Pudding Recipe:

1 container strawberries trimmed and chopped
3/4 cup blueberries
1/4 c water
2 medjool dates, pitted (I have used other pitted dates and they have not mixed well in the blender)
2 1/2 tbsp chia seeds

1. In a high speed blender, puree berries water and dates until completely smooth
2. Place berry puree in a jar or small bowl and stir chia seeds until well combined
3. Let the mixture set in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
4. Serve chilled.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sneak Peek Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

When I think of warm weather and spring, I think of fresh and colorful meals on the patio. In April, I plan to focus on fresh, bright, and delicious salads by creating at least one new salad a week and posting the results.

But, since April is a couple weeks away, why not give a sneak peek salad. I don't know about you, but I am a fan of the veggie platters full of variety and a cool ranch dip to satisfy those taste buds. So why not at all of our favorites into one salad?

Skinny Broccoli Cauliflower Salad

2 heads broccoli chopped
1 head cauliflower chopped
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1 green pepper
3/4-1 cup light ranch dressing
1 package part skim mozzarella or cheddar cheese (I used mozzarella)

1. Chop your veggies and toss into a bowl with 3/4-1 cup ranch dressing. Mix together and add pepper and/or red pepper flakes. Enjoy!

It's a simple as that and it makes enough to last for a week worth of lunches. This recipe allows you to add your favorite veggies or eliminate those you don't find so flavorful, so be creative!